Armored Assault Tank (AAT)

Set Number:75283
Piece Count:286
Release Date:8/1/2020
Theme:Star Wars, The Clone Wars
Armored Assault Tank (AAT) Final Build

You can tell this is one of my newer builds from the neater arrangement. I really like the symmetry on bag 3, it almost looks like a spaceship.

I built the minifigs for this one. It goes against the deconstructed theme but I think it looks cleaner and it’s certainly easier to do arrangements with.

Posted: 4/26/2023
Lego Bag 1
Lego Bag 1
Lego Bag 1 - (Shallow) Title Scrawl Angle
Lego Bag 1 - (Shallow) Title Scrawl Angle
Lego Bag 2
Lego Bag 2
Lego Bag 3
Lego Bag 3