Haunted House

Set Number:10273
Piece Count:3231
Release Date:6/1/2020
Theme:Icons, Fairground Collection
Haunted House Final Build

I built this over the two weeks surrounding Halloween in 2023. Instead of watching youtube or listening to a podcast during the process I watched some terrible horror movies.

The gearing for the elevator is awesome, it has a lock that keeps the crank spinning in one direction and a lever to disengage the gears. I’m not 100% on this but I think the large wheels on each side act as buffers to keep the elevator carriage from slamming into the ground when it falls (The elevator is designed like an amusement park ride that goes up high then drops quickly).

This set has a lot more tiny pieces than I would have expected. I photographed the parts that came in the little sub-bags separately in order to make the layout process easier, as I did with the Space Coaster set. I don’t think I will continue with that pattern unless the piece count in the tiny bags gets to be even higher than it was with this set. I also tried taking some photos with decorative halloween lights - I’m not completely satisfied with the results but I might try something like it again in the future.

One last thing that really bothered me about this set. I mostly lay out the bricks by bag. When I first started doing this I settled on a generic way to label each picture - the bag number. Well for whatever reason this set has multiple bags with the same number! My best guess is that they wanted to have this set get to unlucky number 13. Any way the picture numbers (especially with the sub bags being photographed separately) creates some fun disambiguation in the titles.

Posted: 4/24/2024
Box Top - Minifigs List
Box Top - Minifigs List
Base Plates & Roof Tiles
Base Plates & Roof Tiles
Bag 1
Bag 1
Bag 1's Small Bag
Bag 1's Small Bag
Bag 2
Bag 2
Bag 2's Small Bag
Bag 2's Small Bag
Bag 3
Bag 3
Bag 3 (the second big bag labeled 3)
Bag 3 (the second big bag labeled 3)
2nd Bag 3's Small Bag
2nd Bag 3's Small Bag
Bag 4
Bag 4
Bag 4 (the second big bag labeled 4)
Bag 4 (the second big bag labeled 4)
Bag 4's Smaller Bag
Bag 4's Smaller Bag
Bag 5
Bag 5
Bag 5 (the second big bag labeled 5)
Bag 5 (the second big bag labeled 5)
Bag 6
Bag 6
Bag 6's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 6's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 6's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 6's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 7
Bag 7
Bag 7's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 7's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 7's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 7's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 8
Bag 8
Bag 8's Smaller Bag
Bag 8's Smaller Bag
Bag 9
Bag 9
Bag 9's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 9's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 9's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 9's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 10
Bag 10
Bag 10's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 10's Smaller Bag 1
Bag 10's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 10's Smaller Bag 2
Bag 11
Bag 11
Bag 11's Smaller Bag
Bag 11's Smaller Bag
Bag 12
Bag 12
Bag 12's Smaller Bag
Bag 12's Smaller Bag
Bag 13 - Purple and Orange Lights
Bag 13 - Purple and Orange Lights
Bag 13 - Orange Lights
Bag 13 - Orange Lights
Bag 13 (the second big bag labeled 13)
Bag 13 (the second big bag labeled 13)
Bag 13's Smaller Bag
Bag 13's Smaller Bag